
Showing posts from September, 2009

Porting or redisgn.

Computing Thoughts Port or Redesign First? by Bruce Eckel July 23, 2007 Summary I received a message asking about how to decide whether to port to a new language first, redesign first, or do both at the same time. Advertisement We have a large project that is coded in language A and has existed for many years. This project now requires a redesign and at the same time we would like to recode it in language B. From your experience, would it would better to port it from language A to B first, then work on the redesign, or code it in language B with the redesign from the beginning? The advantage with the first way is that we could possible offshore the porting, but I don't know if the complexity of redesigning after the port would offset any gains in cost that offshoring would give us. This is not a simple question because most of the answer is not about the accepted right thing to do, but more about "who are you?" The answer will be different from one team to the...