The difference between an RTOS and a general purpose OS is really a matter of emphasis. If you asked the designer of a general purpose OS "what is the worst case latency in your OS", they would probably answer "I don't know". It isn't something that they generally worry about unless it gets so long that someone important enough complains about it. If you ask an RTOS designer the same question, they can give you a definite answer. also if you consider the memory used... then the RTOS will consume little memory & our general purpose OSs.. you know that... as the new OS release are coming out... they are occupying more memory... yeah as you said RTOS are used in Embedded Systems... The main aim in our embedded system is that... the responce should be quick... because.. these system are used in very critical situations/applications... like in our modern cars...If these cars encounter in an accident then immidiately in a fraction the airbags will be blown... ...